TLDR Design 2024-06-19

US Sues Adobe ⚖️, Leonardo.AI Launched Pheonix  🤖, TikTok AI Avatars 🎵

News & Trends

US sues Adobe for ‘deceiving' subscriptions that are too hard to cancel (4 minute read)

The US Justice Department is suing Adobe for allegedly hiding expensive fees, enrolling consumers in its most lucrative subscription plan without clear disclosure, and making cancellations difficult. The lawsuit also targets Adobe executives Maninder Sawhney and David Wadhwani. It follows continued regulatory scrutiny after Adobe's abandoned acquisition of Figma in 2022.

Leonardo.AI Released Phoenix, its New Image-generation Model (2 minute read)

Phoenix, Leonardo.AI's latest model, excels in prompt adherence, text integration, and vibrant imagery thanks to architectural innovations. It gives users creative control with features like prompt enhancement and editing. Upcoming integrations promise further improvements. Initial feedback praises the model's detail and vibrancy, despite minor issues with hands, faces, and occasional blurriness.

TikTok Introduces AI-generated Digital Avatars (2 minute read)

TikTok is expanding its AI tools by introducing generative AI avatars for brands and creators. Avatars available to Symphony users include both "stock avatars", pre-built with paid actors and licensed for commercial use, and "custom avatars", crafted to match a creator's or a brand's image. TikTok's new AI-dubbing feature translates content into over ten languages, expanding its global reach.
Opinions & Tutorials

How Long Should a Design System Take? (7 minute read)

Creating a design system can be complex and time-consuming, with factors like UI library production, documentation, and decision-making all affecting the timeline. Design systems are never complete, often requiring ongoing iteration and adaptation to maintain stability. By setting realistic expectations, thinking in milestones, and creating a roadmap, design teams can better manage these projects and provide the stability necessary for long-term success.

The next phase of interface design? How AI could streamline the way we use our devices (1 minute read)

"General Purpose Interfaces" is a speculative project by design studios Mouthwash and Modem that proposes an AI-powered interface for all device interactions to simplify user experience while ensuring data privacy. Still in development with adjustments based on feedback, the project aims to inspire better interface integration and emphasizes designer responsibility for app addictiveness and mental well-being.

How Translating User Stories Into Value Stories Can Drive Action (7 minute read)

Design communication must go beyond user stories and focus on value stories to resonate with business priorities. Designers can better persuade teams to implement impactful changes by translating customer insights into compelling value narratives. Understanding this shift can enhance your ability to influence and drive action within your organization.
Launches & Tools

Design Your Unique 3D Portfolio (Website)

FuryPage offers a user-friendly 3D portfolio creator that features customizable templates, camera movement, lighting options, and interactive elements to showcase work creatively for photographers, designers, artists, and more.

Transitions (Website)

Awwwards' gallery of beautifully animated changes between two pages, states, or views to provide visual continuity to the user interface.

The Accessibility Quality Assurance Assistant (Website)

Sa11y is an open-source, customizable JavaScript plugin designed for content authors to highlight accessibility issues with simple tooltips for fixes visually. It checks content on page load and can be fine-tuned to focus on relevant topics.

What Apple's, OpenAI's, and TikTok's logos would look like if surrealists had designed them (2 minute read)

To mark the 100th anniversary of surrealism, 99designs by Vista held a competition to reimagine modern logos as surrealist art, with the 18 human-created winners showcasing an alternative design universe filled with color and whimsy. Notable designs include CNN's logo inspired by M.C. Escher, Domino's logo in the style of René Magritte, and Instagram's logo reflecting Salvador Dalí's influence. The competition highlights the continued relevance of surrealism in today's digitally saturated world.

Pulling Off a Successful Redesign (4 minute read)

There is often excitement surrounding redesign projects, but they rarely succeed. A team of implementers who execute the redesign is crucial to success: an empowered decision maker, a design lead with a strong vision, and an empowered decision maker. Ensuring rapid decision-making and clear communication minimizes surprises and maximizes alignment, increasing the chances of a successful redesign.

What successful creatives wish they'd known when they were fresh-faced graduates (11 minute read)

Showcase university projects in your portfolio to demonstrate your skills and understanding of commercial work and highlight the real-world application of your work to prospective employers and clients. Network with fellow creatives, attend events, and develop resilience, as rejection is part of the creative journey. Remember that everyone's path is unique, so avoid comparisons and stay open to alternative career paths.
Quick Links

The History of AI art: It Goes Back Further than You Might Think (9 minute read)

AI art has its roots in the 1960s - since then, artists have driven innovations, balancing technological progress with ethical considerations and evolving creative expressions.

Eight Professions of the Future in Design (4 minute read)

Future design roles include virtual interaction designers for VR, simulation designers for product testing, and augmented reality designers.

Recycled materials will give Nike "biggest impact" on sustainability, says chief design officer (5 minute read)

Nike's Chief Design Officer, Martin Lotti, explains that sustainability is integral to Nike's design, which emphasizes innovations that reduce environmental impact through renewable energy and recyclable materials.
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