TLDR Marketing 2024-06-19

AI vs. human content 🤖, cut Google Ad $ ✂️, future of video ads 🔮

News & Trends

White Paper: AI Content & Search (5 minute read)

Contrary to the claim that AI content is flooding the web, only about 3% of pages are purely AI-generated content. Crypto, Commerce, Finance, and Local pages have the most, with roughly 20% of their URLs featuring AI-generated content. A page's average rank decreases as the amount of AI-generated content increases — suggesting that human-written content performs better in search.

What's Next in Video Advertising? (8 minute read)

Despite the fact that digital and streaming video account for 70% of viewing hours, less than half of video advertising spend goes to those channels. This discrepancy represents more than $20B in advertising spend that could be better allocated. Unified video is set to revolutionize video advertising by integrating planning, buying, and measurement across channels. Key tactics include defining a single strategic audience, selecting channels based on reach and quality, and calibrating planning tools with in-market test results.
Strategies & Tactics

How streamlining subscriptions increased sales by 18% (3 minute read)

VectorVest, a stock portfolio management system, found that many users stalled at the second step of its signup flow, which was selecting a subscription plan. This step asked users to choose between 3 plans based on an extensive list of features that were either included or excluded. The team tested removing this second step entirely while still giving users the option to switch plans on the final step to reduce cognitive load and analysis paralysis. This resulted in an 18% increase in sales.

4 Ways to Reduce Your Google Ads Spend (11 minute read)

Reduce your Google Ads spend by leveraging location and time controls, using negative keywords, avoiding keyword bloat, and optimizing ad groups with A/B testing. Examples include setting bid adjustments for high-traffic areas and eliminating ineffective keywords to improve relevance. Conducting A/B tests on ad variations helps determine which ads perform best, reducing overall costs and increasing effectiveness.
Resources & Tools

Knock (Tool)

Knock lets your prospects start Slack conversations directly from your website, pricing page, YouTube channel, and more. It removes the barriers of forms and website chatbots while cutting costs and shortening sales cycles.

Technical SEO Tip: The capitalization of your URLs matters (1 minute read)

The same content is rendered on uppercase and lowercase URLs, but Google treats them as different pages. This results in duplicate content issues but can be solved with global redirects.

Amazon unveils cookieless ad-targeting solution at Cannes Lions (2 minute read)

Amazon has unveiled Ad Relevance, a new cookieless ad-targeting solution. The AI-driven platform analyzes billions of data points from Amazon's properties to match ads with consumer content in real time, enhancing addressability and reducing costs for advertisers. Early tests show significant improvements in CPMs and click costs.

What do we know about the rise of alternative voices and news influencers in social and video networks? (10 minute read)

TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube have facilitated the rise of a diverse range of voices, challenging mainstream media. Alternative voices often present partisan views and have significant followings, especially among younger audiences. Influencers like Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, and Dylan Page illustrate this shift. These influencers often focus on video formats and cater to younger demographics with political commentary or lifestyle updates. Traditional media needs to improve trust, diversity, and digital storytelling to remain competitive.

5 Essential Strategies for CMO Board Meeting Success (8 minute read)

A board meeting is your chance to review performance, forecast the rest of the year, and prove your value. Focus on strategic topics rather than present-day metrics and performance. Keep slides brief, but be prepared to present more in-depth charts. An effective slide outline includes high-level strategy, marketing focus areas, stats and forecast, payback period or CAC:LTV, highlights of upcoming goals, plans, and inspiring projects.
Quick Links

The Mullet Technique for Ad and Landing Page Headlines (2 minute read)

The Mullet Technique entails putting the factual business message upfront followed by a twist to make the user laugh or smile.

Customer loyalty and retention: 5 insights from our Global State research (4 minute read)

Businesses are prioritizing customer loyalty through empathy and automation to enhance customer experience.
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