TLDR Web Dev 2024-06-20

React 19 Suspense drama 🎭, Vercel AI SDK upgrades 🤖, htmx 2.0 ⚡️

Articles & Tutorials

React 19 and Suspense - A Drama in 3 Acts (7 minute read)

React 19 RC had changes to its Suspense behavior that caused concerns about performance. The React community's feedback led to a heated discussion, so the React team decided to delay the release to address issues.

Code Models (40 minute read)

Code reflection in Java allows developers to access and manipulate symbolic representations of Java code called code models. Code models are structured as trees, with nodes representing elements like operations, bodies, and blocks. They are stored in Static Single Assignment (SSA) form. Code models are used for things like generating derived code and optimizing existing code.

Inline conditionals in CSS? (6 minute read)

The CSS Working Group is adding an if() function to CSS that will allow developers to use conditional logic directly within CSS styles. This makes it easier to apply dynamic styles based on custom properties, media queries, or feature support.
Opinions & Advice

I Will Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again (24 minute read)

This data scientist is frustrated with the current AI hype, particularly from those who lack understanding of the technology. He believes most companies should prioritize improving their operations and culture rather than blindly adopting AI. While AI has potential, most companies lack the expertise and infrastructure to utilize it effectively.

Enterprise architecture anti-patterns and smells (8 minute read)

Enterprise architecture often suffers from common anti-patterns like blindly adopting trends from large tech companies, becoming too detached from daily development, or being seen solely as a career advancement for engineers. These can lead to misaligned initiatives, irrelevant solutions, and a lack of trust between architects and development teams. A successful architecture practice requires striking a balance between up-front design and agile iteration.
Launches & Tools

API Fiddle (Website)

API Fiddle is a playground for REST(ish) APIs. It allows users to design endpoints and specifications for technical documents.

Introducing Vercel AI SDK 3.2 (7 minute read)

Vercel AI SDK 3.2 introduces new features like agent workflows for complex tasks, new model providers, embedding support for semantic search, and improvements in observability and client-side tool calls.

HTMX 2.0 is released (1 minute read)

htmx 2.0.0 has been released. It features changes like the removal of Internet Explorer support and migration of extensions to a separate repository. There are changes to the default settings.

UX/UI-trends in 2024 (16 minute read)

This blog post discusses UI/UX trends in 2024, including the use of 3D graphics, complex gradients, 2D illustrations, minimalism, dark interfaces, animations, and characters. Aesthetics should be balanced with user needs, but users are increasingly looking for better-looking designs in today's web apps, especially for consumer-facing ones.

Why Your SSD (Probably) Sucks and What Your Database Can Do About It (8 minute read)

SSDs have a fast read and write throughput, but also suffer from high latency during write operations. To mitigate this issue, database systems use techniques like group commits and asynchronous processing. Enterprise-grade SSDs with capacitor-backed write caches can alleviate the latency problem, but at a higher cost.
Quick Links

Programming mantras are proverbs (2 minute read)

Programming mantras should be treated as proverbs, offering guidance rather than strict rules, and should be applied with careful consideration of the context.

How to use Git reflog to find lost commits (3 minute read)

‘Git reflog' can be used to recover lost commits in Git since Git reflog is an audit log of everything that you do (to the HEAD reference).

Relay Version 17.0.0 (6 minute read)

Version 17.0.0 of Relay (a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications by Meta) contains enhanced schema validation and edge type validation, alongside significant performance optimizations and expanded editor integration features.

Why does SQLite (in production) have such a bad rep? (2 minute read)

SQLite often gets a bad reputation for production use due to its limitations in handling concurrent writes and its historical lack of backup and replication features, but recent improvements like WAL mode and Litestream have addressed some of these concerns.
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